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An 124 Aircraft

An 124 Aircraft - The Russian Air Force could and would likely choose to replace some of its older IL-76s and the handful of AN-22s still in service with IL-106s as well. This would increase total production volume over time and lower unit costs. But where Moscow may really substantiate the program's cost is in potential export sales.

So we are talking about high-value, low-density assets here. As a result, the Russian military would not require a big production run of IL-106s to replace its AN-124 fleet. But the AN-124s flying for Russia's charter companies won't be able to fly forever either and supportability is becoming more of an issue due to the aircraft's age and the deep row between Moscow and Kiev. So eventually having an aircraft to replace the semi-civilian An-124s is also becoming increasingly important.

An 124 Aircraft

Photos: An Inside Look Of An Antonov An-124 : Airlinereporter

With this in mind, Russia's push to come up with firm plan to replace these aircraft, some of which date back to or shortly after the Soviet era, isn't a surprise. Going with an indigenous design isn't that far-fetched either. Russia has a track record of rebooting defunct weapons programs that benefited from decades of expensive research and development under the Soviet Union and the decade that followed. That data already in hand cuts costs and development timelines while also allowing for some innovation by incorporating new technologies. This is precisely what is envisioned for the IL-106. Nikolai Talikov stated the following to RT (computer-translated):

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Today IL-106 is recorded in our program, and we are starting to create it. The cargo cabin of the IL-106 will be the same dimension as the Ruslan (Condor). On the plane will be installed new engines, new avionics and everything else. The creation of the IL-106 will be a step forward in updating the military transport aviation of Russia.

Antonov-124 Lands At Adelaide Airport | The Advertiser

The Antonov An-124 is a large military transport aircraft developed by the Antonov Design Bureau in the Soviet Union. It is powered by six turbofan engines and designed to deliver heavy cargo, equipment and personnel. With its ability to carry up to 150 tons of cargo over short distances, it can be used for many purposes from humanitarian relief efforts to commercial freight deliveries.

IL-106 will meet all modern requirements for the aerobatic flight complex, and for the resource, and for the transported goods. Thus, discussions about the need to recreate the AN-124 ended. We are starting to develop the IL-106."

"Military transport aviation of Russia is in the sky every day and performs tasks, including abroad. Therefore, the issue of extending aircraft resources and creating new vehicles is so acute. An-124 play a huge role in the country's defense. It is no secret that they performed a large volume of cargo transportation to Syria. In this regard, the question arose of extending the resource of these aircraft. Given the reluctance of Ukraine to cooperate, our design bureau is engaged in the extension of the resource and the maintenance of the technical health of the AN-124 fleet.

An-124 Ruslan (Condor) Large Cargo Aircraft - Airforce Technology

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Russia's lumbering AN-124 Condor cargo aircraft provide a vital capability for the Russian military. After talk of building an updated AN-124 variant in Russia—AN-124 aircraft originate from Ukraine, a country with anything but good relations with Russia these days—it now seems that the Russian Ministry of Defense may be pursuing an update of a decades-old indigenous design to eventually replace the Condors and possibly other aircraft as well. According to a new interview with Nikolai Talikov, Chief Designer at Ilyushin Aviation Complex, this aircraft, dubbed the IL-106, is currently deep in development and will be updated with new avionics, engines, and other critical systems.

Agl Succedes With Antonov An-124 Loading – Heavy Lift News

As for the particulars, Talikov said that the new engines that will power the Il-106 will be provided by United Engine Corporation and will be capable of 24-26 tons of thrust. The design will be able to regularly haul 80 tons of cargo, and could lift off with 110-120 tons in a pinch. Talikov also says the aircraft will be rolled out around 2025-2026 based on the Russian MoD's requirements.

Up until recently, it was announced that Russia would produce its own new-build AN-124 airframes—basically updated clones of the Ukrainian design. But that plan was quickly subject to international controversy as Ukraine's Antonov Aircraft Corporation said that Russia had no right to copy the design and that they would have trouble doing so technically even if they tried. By early last Summer, it was reported that Russia had abandoned the plan and was looking at other alternatives, chiefly among them upgrading existing AN-124s in service and in storage with Russian-specific systems.

The Antonov An-124 is a huge cargo aircraft that can hold up to 150,000 pounds of cargo. It was designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in the Soviet Union and has been used for over 28 years. The need for such an airplane came about as a result of Russia’s involvement in Afghanistan during the 1980s where they found themselves transporting supplies from one end of the country to another. They needed something big enough to carry these supplies but also capable of operating on unpaved roads and airfields with rough terrain conditions, which led them to design and build this aircraft. The Antonov An-124 is still being used today despite its age due to its ability to operate efficiently under difficult circumstances, while carrying large payloads across continents.

Crash Of An Antonov An-124-100 In Kodra: 8 Killed | Bureau Of Aircraft  Accidents Archives

Currently, there isn't a quad-jet cargo aircraft in production that is capable of carrying outsized loads outside of China. The C-17 recently ended its production and China's Y-20 transport has as much in common with the smaller IL-76 as the C-17 capability-wise and is still in its early teething phase. With this in mind, Russia is likely eyeing potential IL-106 export sales as a way to offset its development costs and possibly make money on the program overall down the line.

The big issue that hangs over every major Russian weapons program is funding, more specifically the chronic lack of it. Can Russia afford an IL-106? Quite honestly, it seems somewhat clear that they really can't afford to let the capability that the AN-124 provides whither. By building an intermediate-sized heavy-lift jet cargo aircraft, Russia could better justify the costs and even make a business opportunity case for it that is somewhat compelling. It would seem that IL-106 checks all these boxes.

Still, with the Kremlin's defense funds only becoming scarcer, even logical procurement initiatives needed to maintain critical capabilities could be passed over for other priorities. And even if the general design is already in hand, putting a new large aircraft type into production is never a cheap affair without major financial risk.

Antonov's Giant: The An-124 Ruslan - Aircraft

Indeed, the question of the re-establishment of the AN-124 was repeatedly raised. We looked at this situation more broadly and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create a new military transport aircraft. Such a plane, in our opinion, should be the IL-106. We worked on it for a long time. But in the 1990s and 2000s we carried out sluggish work.

Russia's AN-124 Condors highlighted their extreme value back in early Fall of 2015 when they creating an air-bridge of sorts between Russian territory and Syria, carry massive loads of cargo and outsized weaponry to Russia's Khmeimim Air Base located south of the Syrian port city of Latakia. That logistics train has continued ever since to some degree, with Condors making regular appearances at the airfield which is now 'leased' to Russia more or less indefinitely. In fact, Russia's Syria operation would have looked very different and maybe wouldn't have happened at all without the AN-124 in the Russian Air Force's inventory.

What's not clear is exactly how many of these are truly operational at any given time. It is assumed that the Russian Air Force has about a dozen AN-124s readily at its disposal, but Russian charter companies can also support the Russian military when needed.

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